Genesis 8:22 - While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
To Our Dear Church Family,
It is February 17th as I’m writing this, it’s snowing, windy, and cold. At times I can hardly see the road from my study window. I need to remember that promise verse in Genesis and spring is in the headlights.
Also looking at my calendar, Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season, is just weeks away. Lent is a journey to the Cross and the great hope of the Resurrection. Also for me it is a time of revival for my soul. I’m sure with these last months of winter and different situations that many of you have faced, your soul could use a time of revival also.
On Saturday March 1 we are having a planning day at the church. I hope everyone has had the opportunity to attend and give your input as to where we are going as a church. As your pastor I need that input. You matter to me. Your heart matters to me. I’ve often said the key to ministry is to give folks Jesus and love them. Input from this helps Sherri and I love you all more like Jesus wants us to love.
Throughout Lent my sermons are going to be based on the windows of the church sanctuary. There are eight of them, and if you count Ash Wednesday and the seven Sundays in Lent, each window tells a story. It is a great and wonderful story, with the best ending ever, the empty tomb.
Remember that Genesis promise. Winter will give way to Spring. Jesus will always give hope. God is always good. Even the gates of hell can not prevail against the church of Jesus. We got this.
Living by Faith,
Pastor Tom and Sherri
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